Jamison Bright – the ‘Auteur’ Theory

What ‘makes’ a film? Is it the writing? Is it the editing? This is the question many have sought to answer. Auteur, a term not so commonly used these days, is defined as a director who so influences a film, that he or she becomes the author, making it what it is. But how canContinue reading “Jamison Bright – the ‘Auteur’ Theory”

Debug (2014) – Review

There are no two ways about it: you must see this film. Hewlett has done a brilliant job of transitioning behind the camera, and he knows what he is doing. Check it out and be entertained!

Cop Car (2015) (contains minor spoilers)

“A small town sheriff sets out to find the two kids who have taken his car on a joy ride.” First film review! I was so excited to find this film in a local shopping centre DVD rental kiosk. It was $3.50 for one night rental, but since I refuse to illegally download, and there are noContinue reading “Cop Car (2015) (contains minor spoilers)”